The Top 5 cybersecurity risks in 2015 are:
  1. Ransomware,
  2. The Internet of Things
  3. Cyber-espionage
  4. Increase in cyber theft and
  5. Insecure passwords
(CNBC, 2015)

Ransomware infects a computer and restricts the users access to it, a ransom is paid in order for user to be able to use their computer.
The Internet of Things is when devices are connected to the internet which increase the risk of personal details being obtained.
Cyber-espionage is when information is obtained through the internet for use by the government.
Cyber theft is the stealing of financial information through the internet, such as credit card details.
Insecure passwords are passwords which are easily obtainable based on the users tastes or preferences and whether the same password is used several times.

Users are constantly providing financial institutions with confidential, personal, information and so are put at risk when exchanging this information.
Users allow hackers to obtain these details by replying to emails which are not from the financial institutions itself. These emails are almost identical to the ones received form financial institutions and so users can be easily fooled.
A way to prevent this from happening is to always check that the email received has a valid email address. This will allow the user to determine whether the email is legitimate or not.
Another method used by hackers is creating a website that looks almost identical to the real one. User may believe that this website is legitimate and therefore enter personal details. Users can check the URL of the website to ensure that the website is indeed legitimate.
Having a strong password is important as it protects most of our confidential information. Users often use unsuitable passwords that can be easily determined based on the consumers tastes and preferences. Users often reuse passwords for several accounts which puts them at risk.
Hackers can send emails pretending ask personal questions while posing as a financial institution. This can be avoided by checking the email address of the email received.
Not only can users be at risk on the internet but when receiving phone callsas well. People may ask personal questions in order to determine their potential password.
This can be easily avoided by not giving out personal information over the phone. If an institution needs information they will often tell you to go in and resolve the issue.
Users should always keep on guard when online and always check what links they are clicking on and what files they are downloading. In order to protect your self, users are advised to download anti-virus software in order to protect your computer and confidential information.
